Upcoming Events and News

Upcoming Event
Past Open Houses
An interesting program presented by Fred Ames regarding his great grandfather, Frederick Lothrop Ames, Sr and his family was enjoyed by many Sunday, January 19th. Thank you all for attending this enjoyable open house.
Easton Historical Society & Museum Open House on October 20, 2024 "Set In Stone"
Our Veteran's Day Open House held on Sunday, November 17th, 2024 was a success. Thank you to our incredible speakers.
Thank you, everyone! We had a great turnout for our annual cookout in appreciation of our valued members and donors...and a big welcome to all our new members!
Easton Historical Society Open House: Dairy Farms of Easton's Past
Documentary featured "The Langwater Story"
Documentary featured "The Langwater Story"
Just in time for the 4th of July celebrations, the Easton Historical Society hosted its monthly Sunday Open
House on June 23rd, from 12 to 4
PM, showcasing the origins and history of "Uncle Sam."
House on June 23rd, from 12 to 4
PM, showcasing the origins and history of "Uncle Sam."
An open house at the Easton Historical Society and Museum about "The History of Hats", presented by Lori Pires.
A great turnout for the Open House Sunday, March 24th. The topic was Ice Harvesting in Easton. A special acknowledgement of the directors of the society for International Women’s Day 2024 was appreciated.
Sharing some photos from our open house last Sunday, February 25th. Thank you to all that attended! The topic was cookbooks and recipes. Mark your calendars for our next open house that will be on Sunday, March 24th from 12 to 4 PM.
The Open House on Sunday, January 21st was dedicated to George Badger Cogswell, M.D.
New Videos
Our Veterans Day Open House was a successful and fulfilling event! Thank you to our speakers and guests who spoke and told their stories of serving our country. Thank you to all who attended and shared in our moving event. Please enjoy the video of this wonderful event.
Video of our open house on October 22, 2023
The Langwater Story
Community Forum
A Special Open House
Hazel Luke Varella was honored at a special open house on Sunday, May 7 for her 56 years of dedication and work on behalf of the Easton Historical Society.